March 17, 2021

It’s Time to Let them Go & Move the Heck On.

Buckle up—it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

I hear people on a regular basis complaining about the actions of their partner. Most of the time, it’s just the partner being inconsiderate or simply not fitting into the perfect mold the complainer created in their own narrative.

Most people show us who they really are from the beginning. It’s our choice to decide if their perceived flaws are something we can live with.

If it’s not a livable situation for you, let them go and move on. But please don’t continually cry, complain, and, most importantly, stop asking for advice that you plan to ignore anyways—it’s exhausting for everyone.

If we don’t speak up to them about what is bothering us, that makes us part of the problem—we are complicit.

People will push boundaries to see what they can get away with. If we don’t hold someone accountable, it’s never going to change—which again makes us part of the problem.

We all need to stop making excuses for someone who isn’t meeting our needs.

If someone truly wants to be with us, they will make it happen. Stop accepting excuses, and stop having relationship problems with someone you aren’t in a real relationship with.

When we are in a relationship, we know—if we are running after someone and feel confused, then we aren’t in a relationship.

Often, we are sadly pining over someone who will never commit to us. Again, if we continue to give them access when it’s convenient for them, we are complicit.

F*ck—everyone deserves someone who believes the sun shines out of their ass, but if we remain with someone who doesn’t want us, the right person won’t ever get the chance to be in our life.

Stop being an enabler, let them go, move the heck on.

Take care of yourself, dye your hair a crazy color, take a yoga class, read a book, or volunteer at a charity that is close to your heart. But for the sake of Baby Yoda, don’t reach out to the person who let you go.


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Kathy McElroy  |  Contribution: 160

author: Kathy McElroy

Image: RODNAE Productions/Pexels

Editor: Robert Busch

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