April 27, 2021

I Want to Touch You.

Four Elements of Touch

I want to touch you like the water

With the safety of the womb

With the river’s endless flow

With the ocean’s tides

As I stroke to your centre

And gently away

With the gathering wave

Crashing its love on the shores of your body

I want to touch you like the air

Blowing my breath onto your skin

With the cooling breeze of summer

And the crisp wind of winter

That lifts your heart

And carries you to magical places

I want to touch you like the earth

Deep and solid

With the quiet of the mountains

And the coolness of the caves

With the mystery of the crystals

That live in its bosom

And gives birth

To the delicate scent of the rose

I want to touch you like the fire

With the liquid heat of my passion

With the melting flame of desire

That burns in my heart

And allows my hands

To tell you of my love

For I am the world

And the world is within me

And you are my world.

There are so many ways to touch; it’s a world of limitless possibility, endless exploration, and discovery.

Touch is a language, the language of the body, feeling, sensation, that goes to places our words cannot.

There’s a knowing in touch, a truth that tells our heart so much.

There’s healing in touch, release, relaxation, comfort, connection, intimacy.

And pleasure, such pleasure.

Touch is a lifelong adventure, taking us higher, deeper, endlessly. As one layer parts, the next is revealed. As we become aware of one sensation, the next emerges into our experience.

Touch is an energy, expressing that which is within us, our hands tell of our heart, tell of our intention.

Touch brings us into presence, into the intimacy of contact, of skin meeting skin.

Touch is a meditation, prayer worship.

Touch is learning, awakening, expanding.

Touch is longing and desire, fulfillment, bliss, and peace.

Touch is the place we can rest, belong, open, soften.

In touch, with touch, through touch, we are restored, revitalized, healed, connected.

Love, loved.

There is so much for us in touch, in being touched, in touching, giving, receiving, sharing touch.

Many say it’s a necessity for our bodies, our hearts, every aspect of our health and well-being, and in this time of isolation for many, more needed than ever.


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Jonti Searll  |  Contribution: 19,255

author: Jonti Searll

Image: Jonathan Petit/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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