April 8, 2021

Adam Levine in a Matching Pink Dress with his Wife & Daughters is the Best Thing Ever.


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The caption for the picture is just as good: “Girls just wanna have fun.”

The Maroon 5 singer, Adam Levine, deserves a “dad of the year” award. No doubt.

An article on Independent says:

“In the comments, fans praised the sweet photo, with many applauding Levine for dressing up with his daughters.

‘This is the cutest thing I’ve seen all day,’ one person wrote, while another commented: ‘I love this picture for so many reasons! You are an awesome daddy and husband!'”

But the tie-dyed maxi dresses were more than just an aww moment for the masses. That picture was another example of a celebrity using their “voice” to challenge gender norms.

It reminded me of the iconic image of Harry Styles wearing a gorgeous-ass dress for the cover of Vogue.

It reminded me of when my two younger brothers saw my mom and me painting our nails and how they wanted theirs painted too. And it reminded me of their wholesome, cherub-like smiles as they walked around the house looking at the colorful little digits.

It made me realize that this adorable picture and the conversations around it were so beautiful and so important to keep having.

If any human wants to wear a dress, they should. If any human wants to wear a suit, they should. If any human wants to paint their nails, cut their hair, grow their hair—if they’re assertive, if they’re soft-spoken, if they like the opera—then that perfect-as-they-are human should do just that.

And f*ck the gender norms. Human is the norm. Love is (or always should be) the norm.


What do you think of his picture? Comment below!


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