April 6, 2021

When you Can’t Write Anything, Write This.

When you can’t write, write lists.

Write lists of all the things you won’t be doing today, but should.

Write lists of all the things you shouldn’t do today, but will.

Write four-letter words with lipstick on your bathroom mirror. Write grocery lists with ingredients for meals you won’t cook.

Write a large check to yourself; save it for a rainy day.

Write in the margins of trashy romance novels and great works of literature.

Write about the neighbors’ pile of crap in their backyard. Write about slow internet connections and whiny children who tug at your hair while you try to type. Write about the cold coffee cup staring up at you. Write about the wine glass stain on your nightstand.

Write about clean sheets and slipping into them like you want to slip into the sea.

Write about your therapist and her issues while she’s transcribing yours. Write a bunch of flowery prose that will make you seem deep, then burn it. Write about the naked Barbies scattered on the floor like bad porn.

Write about your asshole ex-boyfriend who wasted your time. Then delete his number.

Write on menus, prescriptions, bills, old matchbooks from 20 years ago. Write on the walls.

Write about the best sex you’ve never had. Write about the worst you regretted. Write about what scares you and makes you ashamed and embarrassed. Write about what makes you uncomfortable. Write the lies you have told and the secrets you’ve kept. Write about the trauma you’ve stored and wished you’d forgotten.

Write about what almost killed you, but didn’t.

Write about the things that set your soul on fire. Write about the exact moment you were so present and so alive that the world stopped. Write about how wild you truly yearn to be.

Write about your face when it’s wet and hot from your own tears. Write about healing. Write about coming home to yourself.

Write love letters to that one person. You know who they are. Then write one to yourself. Walk across town and mail it. Write emails that you’ll never send. Write that text you deleted. Write what you meant to say, but couldn’t.

Write, even if it’s sh*t. Write anyway.

Just write.


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Joanna Engman  |  Contribution: 8,240

author: Joanna Engman

Image: RF._.studio/Pexels

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