May 30, 2021

How to Battle a Lack of Motivation & Low Mood.


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During this pandemic, motivation seems to be severely lacking.

While some other countries are enjoying the freedom their vaccines have provided, for us here in Trinidad, a year later, after this pandemic started, we’re in another lockdown.

This one is worse than last year; our country has actually issued a state of emergency. We’re only allowed to go out for essential services (grocery, pharmacy), and we’re not even allowed to exercise alone in public spaces. Yes, many of us feel the collective emotions: anxiety, low mood, lethargy, and lack of motivation. (Myself included.)

I’ve realized in the last three weeks since our new lockdown began that each time I got accustomed to the new restrictions and my emotions started to regulate, another set of restrictions was implemented. Each time I got my motivation and energy back for work, I was hit with another wave of low mood and a lack of inspiration.

Depending on the type of job you have, you maybe don’t have the option to be demotivated. You probably have tasks to complete each day, no matter what. This also applies to persons whose job is parenting, seeing as that is a full-time commitment. You definitely don’t get days off from that job. So for all of you who don’t get days off, keep reading for a simple, effective technique to get yourself back on track when you’re feeling low.

My job is pretty flexible. In the past three weeks, I was able to show up for my mandatory work commitments, my one-to-one psychotherapy clients, but a big pause went out on all my other creative pursuits and personal work projects. Yesterday, however, I really needed to get down to some work planning for a mental health workshop I was hired to facilitate. I was hit with some disappointing news just moments before I started my work. I felt really down, tired, and demotivated.

I checked the clock, and I had just enough time to let myself feel the disappointment and low mood. I allowed myself to sulk for a short time while I attempted to distract myself with a simple, brainless task. Next up, I realized I could use some fuel, so I nourished myself with a good meal. After this, although I still was not feeling the motivation or desire to work (so unlike me), I decided to try again.

(This is the part I really wanted to share with you because it works so well!)

I set up my space with everything I would need to get in the zone. I put my phone on silent and asked my partner not to interrupt me to limit distractions. 

I created a sacred space to help me feel more aligned to the task at hand. 

I got comfortable, got a glass of water, lit my candle, sat up straight (if you feel demotivated, do not try to work from your bed), grabbed my selenite crystal, and put on binaural beats music for concentration (YouTube has loads of them).

If you’re feeling really demotivated, try the Pomodoro technique. This productivity technique suggests setting a timer for 25 minutes, then taking a 5-minute break and repeating that cycle. Repeat this cycle 4 times (4 sets of 25 minutes) and then take a longer 15 to 30-minute break. 

Doing this will help you to at least get started. Thinking you’re about to work for the next 25 minutes can feel a lot more approachable than thinking you’re about to work for the next 5 hours. Once you’ve started, you’re likely to get into the flow.

After I was all set up, I spent just three minutes with my eyes closed. I concentrated on my breathing, and I connected to Source—my expression of God/the Universe or whatever you like to call it. I asked to be filled with the energy, motivation, and inspiration needed, not only to complete the task at hand but to make it fruitful and beneficial for the audience to whom I would be presenting. I asked to be guided to create a presentation that would create an impact in these people’s lives. After this, I already felt way more centered. I was able to begin and complete my task effectively.

I got so in the zone that my low mood and disappointment vanished. After I was done, I still had energy and motivation to do a workout, my meal prep, and a few other tasks I wouldn’t have had the energy for previously.

By connecting to something bigger than I am, my perspective widened; it allowed me to remove the nearsighted lens of my own problems. In connecting to Source and my mission in life—to impact people’s lives—I was able to get completely out of the funk I was in.

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Simone Da Costa  |  Contribution: 400

author: Simone Da Costa

Image: giuliajrosa/instagram

Editor: Kate Force

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