May 20, 2021

If you Love Acoustic Guitar Tunes, this Cover of Toto’s “Africa” will Blow your Mind.

There are folks who know how to play the guitar, and there are artists like Andy McKee and Tommy Emmanuel.

You’ve probably never heard of these two unsung heroes.

Andy McKee and Tommy Emmanuel represent the type of musician who doesn’t care much about fame and prefers to focus on the actual craft of playing an instrument.

You don’t need to be a guitar player to see that these dudes really enjoyed themselves during this soundcheck. They are not performing, they are feeling—and isn’t that an approach we should apply to almost everything in life?

But let’s not get too philosophical and simply feel the energy of these two mesmerizing artists.


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Robert Busch  |  Contribution: 160,835

author: Robert Busch

Image: Andy McKee/YouTube

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