May 30, 2021

Signs you’re Experiencing Burnout from Work.

Working too much can negatively impact your health, which can lead to burnout.

Burnout is often caused by chronic workplace stress that isn’t managed well. This state of exhaustion can last for a long time with no good days in between, negatively impacting how you work and your mental state while working. If you’re unsure of how to recognize burnout, there are a few signs to look out for.

To start with, you find it difficult to get excited about work anymore. A lack of enthusiasm and a loss of interest in work is a telltale sign of burnout. What previously might have made you feel fulfilled while at work will instead leave you feeling like a car that’s run out of fuel; your accomplishments no longer give you a sense of satisfaction. At its worst, burnout can even extend outside of the office and impact your personal life as well. If it’s difficult to find energy for things that used to make you excited, that’s a huge red flag not only for burnout but for depression, too.

You can also tell you’re experiencing burnout if you no longer put in the effort toward tasks that you used to put effort in. A lack of energy directly leads to this apathy and a negative attitude toward work as a whole. Rather than putting in your best work for your tasks, you instead start doing the bare minimum to get by. This is particularly noticeable since most people who struggle with burnout are high achievers, making this minimal effort a stark contrast to what they usually bring to the table.

Thanks to this, your performance at work will suffer greatly. A lack of energy and an apathetic attitude toward your work will lower your performance in your daily tasks. This is brought on because those who are burnt out at their job don’t care enough to do things well. If you notice that you’re making many more mistakes than usual, you might want to examine your health.

Speaking of health, burnout impacts both your physical and mental health. This often makes you extremely exhausted both physically and emotionally, making getting out of bed a chore rather than another part of your day. As for your physical health, those who are experiencing burnout often suffer from insomnia, chest pain, headaches, dizziness or fainting, and several other physical ailments. Having these issues doesn’t necessarily mean you’re experiencing burnout, but if you experience these in addition to the signs above, you might want to consider the possibility of being burnt out.

Thankfully, there are ways to handle burnout. A vacation can help you decompress, but what will help more is changing your attitude at work and changing your workload. Accept that not everything you do has to be perfect, and you might not become so drained. Decrease how much you’re doing at work, and you’ll be able to breathe a little easier.

Most importantly, look after your health. Working yourself to the bone will only make you sick and negate all the hard work you’ve put into your job up to that point. Give yourself a break—you’ve earned one.

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