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August 16, 2021

We are all Just Walking each other Home

Writing almost daily is a meditation for me, it’s also a polite way to process so I’m not talking it all out all day long. I aim to challenge my perspective or just have a fun way to entertain myself with a little play on words or a little rhyme for no reason. I blog and post about a pen point of what comes up and this morning I felt such a push to put pen to the paper, maybe because the energy around the days behind and ahead seems a bit more pressing in the moment as if the planet is preparing for the next shift in consciousness.
Who knows? I don’t even know what the next hour brings; I just feel and communicate energy the best way I know how in the moment. I’m an external processor and writing balances my need be quick to speak. Sometimes the sharpness of the tongue can be tamed or unleashed for our highest good or not.
Ok, here is the first step on the path to my pressing thoughts.
The wide path is the road disguised as the way you should go. Is it really?
Question everything. Question me. Think twice. Tap into your intuition. Due diligence. Wake up. Sleep on it. It’s all a choice we have to make, or this fucking world will continue to suffer. We are all responsible for the energy we bring to the world even when our words do not exit our mouths. The mind can be a powerful weapon for attack or defense. The mind is where it all starts. It’s our reality, replay and remembrance of past, present and future. It’s like a race to the start or the finish.
Who will win? Who will lose? Where do I even begin? It’s the root to all suffering (& evil if you want to get real about it) until we move past the mind and into the heart of the journey of who we are really are, we will feel the resistance. We need resistance but we can’t stay in it forever. This is where I take a pause, seriously. I look at my dogs and say to myself, “Gosh, I’d really love to know what it would be like to be a dog for a day” They have such a look on their face that seems to equate to, I have all the answers, while telepathically screaming “Damn, you should have signed up to be a dog” “Crazy humans!!!”
A war of the mind or the heart. Again, question everything. Question your dog. Your dog may have all the answers, or you just may think so. Is it really about the question or the answers? It seems like everyone has a bone to pick these days. My thoughts, are dogs are left with utter confusion as to why humans make it so hard sometimes when it’s so simple. Remember, dogs are a man’s best friend and so in tune with us. They know how to comfort us, love us and be loyal through thick and thin. Humans should know to take this principal to heart but sometimes we just bury our heads and the bones in the ground thinking it will all go away.
In my perspective, I feel the energy is heavy and life as we know it as a World War, not with weapons like artillery, chemical warfare, violent protests, heated and hurtful conversations, presidential or even congressional debates but the war of “control for human minds”. We can use this energy to push through and prevail. There is more love in the world than we know, we just need to fight for each other and not against. Pain has been my greatest teacher but eventually the student must graduate by learning the lesson. A lesson can lead to freedom but if never learned it leads to nowhere.
Conscious communication is like stepping into war mindfully equip to heal, not to harm and to create peace not war. It’s holding space for yourself and one another through this thing called life. It’s listening first without being quick to speak with a sharpened tongue or hot head.
It’s easy to follow the road when it’s paved with fear, riddled with worries that if you step off the road you will lose your way. The illusion, that you’ll lose your riches, your livelihood, your life, your family, friends and the list will go on. We do lose and much more in the process, our integrity, trust, sanity, sovereignty, compassion, love in ourselves and one another and the list will go on. Is that anyway to live?  Hey, it’s a free country? or is it?
We can live any way we want. or can we? We are divinely created beings with an innate design imprinted within each and every one of us to heal, to be in our light body rather than the density of so much fear, shame, guilt, apathy, stress, that ways down your mind, body, and discernment for that matter.
Where have your heard, “It’s my way or the highway”. Sounds like a dramatic way to to get anyones attention. So, do we give ourselves away to any voice that tells us how to BE or what to do rather than doing what we must do to stand in question of what the narrative has been throughout history. It’s like stepping off the path into unknown territory or a cliff for that matter. The path has led us to many roadblocks that essentially stop us in our tracks, and sometimes we call it a dead end or the end of the road or our rope, or we find another way to walk the path. No one is exempt from the journey, unless you pull yourself out completely. In this world, many will keep the course and many will give up, and it breaks my heart if you give up. I won’t give up on you.
To walk to the beat of your own drum is the sound of speaking your truth. Have those conversations that really drum up what is buried deep in the mind and heart of who you are, not who you think you are or who you think someone else is. Think twice. That’s all. We are not our mind. We are souls.  I see so many, especially in my extended family giving away their power. This is just my observation, my percipience, not a judgement call. I have learned so much about myself and others in lighthearted and harmonious heated conversation and it is apparent to me away that many are just tired of walking, their legs, body and mind are getting worn out and would rather follow the leader (whomever that may be) rather than lead the way for themselves.They are not saying it out loud but their actions are speaking volumes and many people are saying and doing things that have come from a place of fear rather than being fearless in their own person. I’m discovering that folks are not exploring the possibilities, due diligence, trusting in their divine intelligence or following their own inner compass on this journey lately and would rather stop and get directions from a total stranger off the street and hope for the best. I am all about trusting people. That is not my point. It’s about discernment. I totally get it; the world feels like a pressure cooker right now. It puts many people in a position where they feel lost. It may feel like you have no direction, but that is the illusion, and your energy can definitely change if you choose. The density of the energy of the world is so palpable and it can weigh you done, but you are stronger than you know. Energy never dies but we will all be physically brought down if we choose not to raise our vibration and move into our light body.
Side note: Don’t listen to the media, your neighbor or the so-called authorities running the country or the world as if they know better or best. It’s not a command, it’s food for thought. Listen to your inner guidance directing your ways first rather than giving your power away to anyone who says they have your back. I mean, I’m cool with the universe but not even the universe has my back until I question the stars, the planets, because no black hole has reign over me, where “They say” gravity is so magnificently strong that nothing such as particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light can escape from it. You are as wide and wondrous as the whole universe. You are brighter than the brightest star in the universe.
We are not lost at all. We are on the right track; we are in the race for something greater than us. I need you; we need you; we need each other. When one person slows down and needs water, what do you do? leave that beautiful soul to the side or do you give that person water. It really is irrelevant what you believe or what I believe, just know what is paved on your heart. Look beyond what your physical eyes see. See the soul in one another.
We know how to rise up. Unity even in the mist of division is progress. I say mist and not midst, because it limits our visibility, we can still see through the clouds. We are not blind to what is really going on in this world, unless you choose to look away. We are not half way there, we are there if you claim it, are committed to it and convicted we have overcome. Don’t let the world mask your eyes too. Discernment is what is in between the cobblestone creating the path.  It’s imperative to look in-between the lines. To look inside the cracks, to do your due diligence in a world that offers the very powerful message telling you which way to go. We are being influenced in every part of our existence.  The power is the path of your deepest knowing, your sovereign right to choose the narrow path, that is available to you. It may not seem like the easy road at times to take when many more are following the wider road of the narrative. Just because it’s well traveled doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best way. The narrow road is not the narrative, it’s the path of thinking for yourself. It’s the journey of discernment, to declare your true power and freedom. The freedom that is immeasurable as we all hold a unique understanding of what freedom is.
Lead with empowerment of yourself, knowing who you are, what you stand for and not only for the highest good of yourself but for the highest good of humanity. Take the high road. It’s not easy but it gets easier. You gotta climb a little, fall a little as the elevation raises you up. You may feel like you are running low on energy or out of air at times, but eventually you will reach the top and see everything from a higher perspective. I’m going to keep walking that road even when it gets rough. I will be voice even when no one cares to hear.  We all make stops along the way of life, we make choices to do or not to do, to be or not to be, whatever it is for each and every one of us, Let it Be. Oh, your mother Mary gave some great advice, thank you for singing that one to us Paul. Separation is another word for desperation for the ego to be in control. Yes, we need the ego to survive but to live in the frequency of healing, harmony and as a unified humanity, we need to choose each other and be in this together.  I have been pushed away, expelled from family and friends but that is part of the journey for all of us or not. Don’t’ take it personal even when it hurts, I don’t hold anything against anyone, in fact, I just want to see everyone find their way.
The path to freedom is many, with longer and shorter routes. I speak from a place of freedom because I have learned that the road map is just a guide while learning my inner compass is even greater than the North star.
One last thought, speak your truth with good intention even if it hurts. At least you’re speaking your truth.
We all may not agree with one another but that’s life. As Ram Dass always said and I love this more than you can ever know, “We are just walking each other home”
Home to the heart of who we really are, everything will pass away but the soul never dies.
I love you.
Much love ❤️
Alice Sevivas
Life Purpose Enthusiast
Live your BEST LIFE
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