November 5, 2021

A Calling for the Wild, Weird Ones: Rise from the Fires that once Burned You.


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This is for all the women…

who have questioned what this place, this earth is all about. 

The ones who have sat up at night, wondering why they chose to be here.

The women who quiver inside with all that is present in the world. 

Asking big questions, diving in deep, searching for answers and possibilities to generate new ways.

This is for the women who have lots to say, lots to do

and yet feel frozen, unsure if it is safer this time to run the other way. 

The women who yearn to make a difference, with empathy and disruption running through their veins. 

The wild ones, the weird ones, the ones who’ve been judged and shamed for colouring outside the lines. 

The ones who love so loud, people question their audacity.

The women who dare to be so authentic, their authenticity shines a light so bright,

frightening those who are masked by mass programming.

You women can feel it in your core. 

She’s been burned and stoned before. 

This modern-day chaos is not your first rodeo.

You’ve been the frontline for lifetimes, re-claiming their femininity, 

nature and humanity. 

This is for the women who feel silenced in the now. 

Afraid to repeat a lifetime. 

Rising, questioning, what is all this for…

Your triggers are warranted.

Your past life experiences, too. 

You’ve been training for lifetimes.

Now, let it untangle and live through you. 

So as your blood boils, let it rise. 

When you feel the revolution required is too much, let it rise. 

Allow yourself to look left and right…

to remind you: you are not alone. 

Those questions, that curiosity has made you grow now. 

Come alive, levitate awake. 

Be outraged and roar.

Be soft, nurturing, still in your core. 

Be all of it and more. 

This is for the women who know they’re here to birth change. 

The women who are tired and ready all at the same time.

The women who are here to be what they wish to see.

Here to pour love and scream, enough.

Here to revolutionize the birth of a new Earth. 

Rise from the fires that once burned you.

Unshackle from the ropes that once silenced you.

Commune with the women afraid to stand side by side. 

Our children’s future is asking for us to emerge awake. 

It is time to stand together again, so the earth shakes for the new ones to come. 


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Tara Lee  |  Contribution: 840

author: Tara Lee

Image: artby.ocha/Instagram

Editor: Rasha Al Jabi

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