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November 30, 2021

You are laser-focused on NOTHING! (Part 1)

I love the C-Word; it pops up in my life all the fricken time!

It’s usually the main topic of conversation when it comes to my coaching calls with my clients.

Why is it important? Because…

The C-Word opens you up to a world of opportunities and possibilities!

So I am here to invite my favourite C-Word into your life…


It’s the key to manifesting your dreams and desires!

Without it, you are going to get nowhere…

Believe me! I’ve learnt this the hard way.

Over the years, I have become somewhat of a manifestation geek.

Uncovering the secrets to creating the life of your dreams and desires.

So let me ask you a question…

Do you know exactly what you want to manifest in your life?


Is your answer a big fat YES?

Or was there a brief pause to think?

Or was some umming and ahhing involved?

Often when I ask my clients, what they desire to manifest, I usually receive responses like this:

Do any of these resonate with you?

A – ‘I think I would like to travel, but I’m not too sure where.’

B – ‘I would like to fall in love, move house, change my job, have a new car, and an entirely new wardrobe.’

C – ‘I would like to start my own business, but I think I’m too old to do that now.’

D – ‘I know that I will make lots more money if I go back to college and get a degree, my brother did this, and his life seems good.’

I’ll go a little deeper into why these answers will ONLY keep you stuck in a moment…

But first, let me tell you how Clarity affected manifesting my dreams.

I was a combination of all the above statements at some point in my life, which got me nowhere!

For the last 15 years, I’d been dreaming of moving abroad…

I wanted to move every-fricken-where.

Thailand, Barcelona, Berlin, Crete, Bali, India, you name it…

It didn’t matter where.

I just knew I wanted to move; I didn’t really care where…

And this is where I went wrong! As…

It kept me stuck exactly where I was in my little bungalow in Blackpool, England.

Which frustrated the hell out of me…

Wondering what I was doing wrong to be stuck on the manifestation hamster wheel…

I thought I was doing everything right to manifest my dreams!

Affirmations, vision board, yoga, meditation, etc.

But still, I was stuck in England, so…

I knew I had to stop and come back to the Inner Work.

It was only then that I realised I had no fricken CLARITY!

If I didn’t know where I wanted to move to, how the hell was I supposed to manifest myself there !!

It’s like expecting a new bike of Santa for Christmas without telling him first.

Crap analogy. Lol.

But I’m sure you catch my drift, so…

Why are the statements above that I usually hear from my clients going to keep you stuck?

Because there is no clarity!

A – ‘I think I would like to travel, but I’m not too sure where.’

I THINK I would like to travel… Mean’s you are NOT sure!

You are NOT clear.

B – ‘I would like to fall in love, move house, change my job, have a new car, and an entirely new wardrobe.’

Here you are laser-focused on NOTHING!

There is no clarity on what you really want.

C – ‘I would like to start my own business, but I think I’m too old to do that now.’

Again, there is no absolute here; it’s a ‘THINK’.

I think is never clear!

D – ‘I know that I will make lots more money if I go back to college and get a degree, my brother did this, and his life seems good.’


This is someone else’s dream, not your own!

You are trying to manifest something you have no vibrational connection to, your ‘brother’ might.

But you don’t because it’s not ‘your’ dream.

This only shows that you are unclear on what you are trying to manifest because you want something you THINK might be good for you.

So the all-important question is…

What do YOU REALLY want to manifest in your life?

Be clear, be specific…

The ONE thing above all (for now)!

Don’t worry; you can manifest to your heart’s desire…

But one step at a time.

Laser focus your target on understanding what YOU truly want with absolute certainty and CLARITY.

Focus ONLY on that, and you are HALFWAY there!

Keep your eyes peeled for Part 2 of this blog…

Understanding your WHY!

I hope you are having a fab day.

Lot’s of love,

Mimi xxx.

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