March 10, 2022

A Prayer to Ease the Suffering of Life in Peril.

For the wolves, for the people of Ukraine, and for all of us at this time…

The darkness in the heart unenlightened

brings pain and suffering into life.

The darkness in the heart restricted

brings violence to the beauty existing.

The darkness in the heart too small

visits peril and threat, unleashed.

Why is it these dark hearts are allowed to prevail?

What is it in us that gives over to that force, out of fear or weakness, allowing it to persist?

For millennia, the feminine has capitulated to the power of the masculine.

For millennia, the goddesses have lain down at the whims of the patriarch.

Let the prayers for the rise of the feminine force be heard in the heavens above.

Let the prayers for the lives of the wolves be felt in the paws setting upon this soft vibrant earth.

Let the prayers for the threatened in Ukraine be felt in the minds of fleeing refugees.

On behalf of all life here on this vibrant earth,

on behalf of the wild wolves and their faunal brethren running for their dear lives

at the hands of dark hearts wishing to end their existence.

On behalf of the meek in the lands being destroyed in the Ukraine,

on behalf of the earth Herself—the most majestic life force of all.

Let her persist and let us gather Her strength,

for She is under and around us.

By holding Her forces sacred,

by embracing them in our aching hearts,

the beauty of all life here will prevail.


Another important, heart-tugging piece by Denise: Oleh Bulavenko: the Ukrainian Animal Lover who Risked & Lost his Life for his Dogs.


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Denise Boehler  |  Contribution: 17,585

author: Denise Boehler

Image: Reuters/Twitter

Editor: Lisa Erickson

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