June 30, 2022

The Boy who Cried “Politics.”

Should I run for something small? We all need to step up and show up and do a little more in the face of Roe v Wade, Climate Crisis, Gun culture gone mad.

Voted with Amy Ippoliti yesterday.

We have voted together and publicized to our respective communities for 10 plus years now. Not sure how long. Just encouraging folks not to sink into facile cynicism, but to rise to empowered I-shall-not-take-shit and give-a-caring.

Talked with her and a pal afterward about what more I can do. For 15 years now (longer) I’ve been the boy who cried Wolf! Always wanting to run for office, never wanting to run for office.

If I can make the time in my busy busy busy busy endlessly busy life it may be time to do more—to run, and serve. Folks have always encouraged me, but I have always shied away at the decision point.

I’m afraid. I’m sensitive.

It’s so toxic, that world. Elephant has been hard enough, with a stalker or some such every other year, nasty comments, controversies. I’m skilled at dealing with much of that. But I don’t know that I am comfortable swimming and living in such nasty soup.

Still, we all—you, me—have to do more now if we’re to keep our republic, our free and fair democracy. Perhaps there is a way to make space in my life for family, nature, more biking, camping—and politics, and writing books, and being of benefit in new ways.

What shall I do with my next 365 days, if I am lucky enough to live them? My next 40 years?

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