It sounds painful. To write my heart out. Over the past few years it feels as though a million tiny moments have ripped my heart out, smothered it, shredded it to pieces. To write my heart out sounds terrifying. Putting words to paper will display the waves of grief, betrayal, abandonment, fear, disgust, disappointment, and loneliness that have eroded my heart. Will piecing together the events in black and white allow me to acknowledge themes that weave together my journey and allow me to grow, or continue to cause hemorrhaging pain?
Big breath in. Big breath out.
Will remembering the brief glimpses of joy help heal my heart? Can recalling times of gratitude and happiness through the rearview mirror remind me that the tide is always changing? Does writing my heart out illustrate my current truth: that connection, kindness, dance parties, and full belly laughter is the common thread slowing mending my heart space and stitching up my soul.
Inhale. Exhale.
Today, writing my heart out reminds me that I can only breathe in the present moment. I cannot worry about future breaths, or past ones taken. I can only focus on this breath. Right here, and right now.
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