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July 26, 2023

5 Ways Vulnerability Manifests in Your Body.

The interconnectedness of our bodies to our environment and experiences intrigues me. My awareness has helped me understand and heal from my injuries quicker.

One Fundamental Teaching of Y12SR that is “The Issues Lie in our Tissues.” Just like it sounds, our tissues remember our trauma.

Our tissues are one of the innermost layers of our bodies. When we are injured or sick, we go to the doctor. I seek out Functional Medicine Professionals to heal my body. Their practices are described as:

“Functional medicine identifies the root cause(s) of the illness, including triggers such as poor nutrition, stress, toxins, allergens, genetics, and your microbiome (the bacteria living in and on your body).”

To aid in my recovery of injuries I have always looked for alternative ways to support my body hoping to speed up the healing process. Reiki, Chakra meditation, massage, dry needling, and yoga are some of the modalities I fall back on regularly.

I also notice how emotions manifest as injuries, experiences, or sensations in my body. Vulnerability has always intrigued me.

Being Vulnerable is defined as a quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed either physically or emotionally. Vulnerability can lead to anxiety.

Two of the ways I immediately confront vulnerability in my body are deep breathing and a Vargas nerve reset.

I use these tools whenever I feel any of the following sensations in my body.

Tense Muscles

When you feel vulnerable your muscles tighten and your nervous system becomes agitated. You start to feel restless.

A Pit Drops in Your Stomach

We have all felt it, a lump in your throat drops down to your stomach and causes anxiety, you feel a heaviness that just will not lighten.

Breath Quickens

When you are talking with someone, openly sharing your thoughts, emotions or needs; your face reddens, your pulse quickens, and your breath changes. Sometimes you see it in the eyes of the person you are talking to, and you may forget what you were saying.

Unable to Find Your Words

You go blank, you can’t process your thoughts, maybe they race. You feel distracted, or if you are like me, you are afraid of being judged by the person standing before you.

Nervous System Freezes

You cannot move a muscle, your heart rate, and your breath slow down, you may feel cold or numb. Maybe you feel trapped inside your body.

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