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February 4, 2024

Sailing and Writing

The February sun’s coming in flashes–

flashback to sailing on my grandparents boat Misty.

I used to lay sun bathing and looking up at the sails and sky.

I would dangle my feet over the side when we were really sailing,

no motor.

I would let the waves soak my feet as the waves crashed against

the sides of the boat as we bobbed along our way.

My Dad would let me steer sometimes when it was calm

and we were on a good tack.

I would watch the sails for luffing and watch out for

the red and green markers

showing me the way.

I loved the feeling of being behind the wheel.

Kind of like when I got to drive the tractor on the turkey farm my Dad owned.

It was always so good to think he trusted me but was always right there to help.

I was so happy to get to relax on the boat.

My Dad was in his happy place and there was no work to be done.

Other than pulling in the sails.

One time we spent a week on the boat sailing up the coast of Maine.

I remember getting to explore the islands by dingy.

One particular island was supposedly haunted–Smuttynose

I think it was called.

Inside the one cabin on the island there was only a roll of toilet paper

and a can of spam.

It wasn’t scary at all I remember but I remember my Dad and uncle trying

to scare us before my sister and I went off to explore.

It’s funny now looking back on it.

I sometimes would read on the boat.

Or try to draw the landscape as it went by since we were going slow enough.

Seeing the sea otters that swam alongside the boat was a highlight.

I was always an independent kid.

I always knew how to entertain myself.

I would write in my journal.

I loved hearing the sound of my own voice coming through.

Writing was similar to sailing.

Instead of listening for luffing sails it was listening for flow.

Instead of red and green channel markers,

there is the limits of the margins on the page.

Now I am still a hard worker.

I work as a one on one with a student with Autism.

I still love my free time and love to write and read and sing my. own songs.

I am a poet that writes songs.

Today was a sunny day that I may not have remembered

if I hadn’t written this poem.

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