July 18, 2024

A Big Birthday milestone. I just turned… ~ Waylon

The Buddhist tradition encourages us to mark each birth-day with a reminder of its meanings—along with a reminder to celebrate..!

Fifty turns around the sun, in this body, in this precious life.

The Buddhist tradition, remember, reminds us that life is fragile, and precious (it has meaning, is not to be thrown away, is to be lived for the benefit of all others including oneself).

The Buddhist tradition encourages us to mark each birth-day with a reminder of its meanings—along with a reminder to celebrate..!

When I was young, when I imagined 50…I’d be powerful, I’d have white sideburns, I’d feel older than I feel now, I’d look older than I look now, but I’d be more together than I am now, too.

How I feel, today…is just about how I’ve always felt, only my circumstances have matured (thanks to hard work, community support, and not a little luck). I’ve learned countless big and small lessons along the way, but, too, am today the soul I’ve always been.

Last night, just before Kelsey, smiling sweetly, surprised me by singing me Happy Birthday at midnight—I tripped across a recording of my Grandma Carol and Aunt Liz from 14 years ago. I hadn’t heard my grandma’s voice in so many years. I’ve told Kelsey about her many times, and what she meant to me. The recording included my asking my grandma questions about life, love, and helping her cross the street…and it was fun hearing my gentlemanly humor and adoration with and for her, too.

Though the recording was from many years ago, I didn’t sound immature, like a kid, or as if I had a different personality, compared to now.

I sounded like myself.

It could have been yesterday.

Life is like that. It doesn’t change, and it does.

And then one day you’re 50.

And then another day you’re an elder.

And, if we’re lucky, we pass away in our 90s or what-have-you surrounded by love and, in our wake, a life of learning and meaning and caring about others. That’s what I hope for myself, and for my mom, and for my family, and for Kelsey, and for all those I love.

I’m in Indy, now, with Kelsey’s son Leo and growing me and Kelsey’s love relationship on the daily. It’s been so fun. Hard, occasionally, too—not with each other, generally, but in the learnings that life offers up, whether we want to learn or no.

And luckily I want to learn, and am grateful for the chance to do so.

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