July 3, 2024

Elephant Needs You!

Elephant is at a breaking point. Letting go of 35 of 40 hours of one of my favorite editors yesterday.

We likely won’t be here in a year or two. Facebook, now Meta, bought IG and killed our ability to share articles etc to our 13 million social fans. If you’d like to keep us around, alive and thriving (we’re still rocking our mission, reaching millions), elephantjournal.com/subscribe. That’s all we need, say 1,000 subs, to keep publishing and sharing and being a lighthouse for indie and mindful.

Some good folks don’t want me to share this—I get it, I respect their views, they think it’s embarrassing, they think it looks bad.

Well, it’s true. And I think truth and transparency are more attractive to readers and advertisers and writers than bullshit. If you agree, please subscribe. If you already subscribe, make sure you get and open our newsletter. Reading Elephant keeps us alive.

Some people always comment and say, hahaha, you suck, you deserve to go out of business! Ah, charming social media comments. But we don’t deserve to go out of business. We’ve made it 22 strong years because we’re open, we’re genuine, we have a wonderful caring team, and we’re doing good work. Folks still send us articles, folks still want interviews, folks still want to read something genuine and helpful and share that. The problem is the bottlenecking of our distribution—that’s why 99% of our ex-competitors are out of business, now. The problem is social media, Big Tech that cares more for quarterly profits than creating a more enlightened society.

The solution: skip social, get our newsletter or go to our home page directly. Subscribe.

If you subscribe, please say so. Let’s build up some morale, get this wayyyy out there. 1,000 subscribers and we could stick around for years. A decade, at least, working and playing to be of benefit to this wonderful world in horrible need.

Yours in the Vision of a Wakeful World,


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