July 23, 2024

F*ck Fixing Yourself.

{*Did you know you can write on Elephant? Here’s how—big changes: How to Write & Make Money or at least Be of Benefit on Elephant. ~ Waylon}

*Warning: well-deserved naughty language ahead!

Fuck fixing yourself—seriously!

Let me tell you, we’ve got it all wrong. Think about it.

What are we trying to fix?

Fixing ourselves is a faux concept, one whereby we stay on the carousel of wrongness because we don’t realise that it’s just one of the many, many rides at the funfair.

And life is a funfair. And funfairs ought to be…fun!

Trying to fix ourselves is a trickster of an excuse. It’s the part of us that invests all of our resources in making ourselves all shiny and new and perfect.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t know of anyone who is like this.

And in fact, I wouldn’t know what perfect looked like, even if it was private dancing on my lap, scantily dressed, gyrating its perfectness in my face!

When we think about the people who we admire, who are turned on by life, who embody their light in how they live, showing up and expressing themselves, I bet the part of what makes them attractive and magnetic and uber inspiring is the part that’s slightly twisted or messy or brutally strange, or even a little unlikeable.

Maybe rather than fixing ourselves, we need to allow the parts of us that are icky to play out too.

What do I mean by that?

Look, I’m a big believer in tangoing with the aspects of my character that I want to get rid of. You know, like the part of me that judges every fucker, myself included. Or the part that gets super jealous, making my snake-eyes glow neon green. Or the resentment part that sulks and slithers around like a teenager with attitude. Or the part that believes I’m special and thus better than everyone else.

I could go on, listing all of my “not-beautiful” qualities, but you get the picture.

Maybe you know these parts of you too?

It’s taken me a while to get to know these parts. To hold them as they squirm and hiss and shit and tell me to kiss their ass. Rude right?!

But without allowing myself to cover my face with shame and spank my imperfect self with branches of wild wrongness reeds, I can simply look out at these carnival-esque characters and marvel at how much power, energy, and life they hold. Power, energy, and life I can harness and use in my creative life.

They all then become part of the cast that performs on the stage of who I am. And I watch—the sacred witness, enjoying and applauding the show.

Now, this isn’t a bypass for being an asshole. Hell no! Part of bringing these parts out to play is building the awareness to take responsibility for our actions.

Responsibility, one of the greatest power keys we have, means that we can then make choices that align with who we desire to become. We can learn new ways to manage the higher-activated aspects of ourselves before they create random acts of sabotage and destruction to our life, our path, and our relationships.

Life then becomes a choose your own adventure book. And I, for one, am obsessed with this. Like those books of old, we get to choose the next wild direction to travel toward!

And so this is what I want to share:

>> We are using the need to sort all this shit out as an excuse to not show up, do the work, and shine our goddamn light out into the world.

>> We will never be done with the carousel of fixing because it doesn’t have an end point. We are complex and weird and freaky.

>> The parts we focus on are enjoying our attention. Think about it—what we focus on grows. So, pivot that focus to your wondrousness!

>> We’re actually just scared. Yep, fear is a shapeshifter and a naughty minx. It makes us believe in its dark side. Yet, fear holds so much of our energy and power, and in its sacredness is an ally.

>> We will never be free or feel good enough whilst spinning around in the shame swamp. All it takes is one moment to turn around (bright eyes) and focus on what makes us beautiful instead.

>> A perfect human being means allowing all parts of ourselves to be. That is wholeness. That is what makes us a disco glitter ball of magic. A whole planet in the vastness of the space we all inhabit.

>> But also, don’t be a dick. Change what you can by being responsible for your actions.

So, if we’re no longer fixing ourselves, now what!?

Well, here we are, holding our creative dreams and the life we desire in our hands and heart, and we haven’t a fuckin clue what to do if we’re not riding with the clowns of wrongness.


This a great place to start.

Now, let’s get to work.

Chin up. Tits out. Here we go!


{Please consider Boosting our authors’ articles in their first week to help them win Elephant’s Ecosystem so they can get paid and write more.}


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Heidi Hinda Chadwick  |  Contribution: 9,360

author: Heidi Hinda Chadwick

Image: Vitoria Santos/Pexels

Editor: Nicole Cameron

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