September 2, 2024

Greta Thunberg, Jane Goodall, & Malala Yousafzai have done more with no money to inspire more people than…

In a world of Elon Musks, be a Dolly Parton.

In a world of Donald Trumps, be a Mister Rogers.

I see so much hero-worship and celeb-fascination and spiritual-idolizing in our culture. I look up to those who show me how to better serve the greater good!

Now imagine if the Vladimir Putins, Donald Trumps, and Elon Musks of the world woke up, meditated, dedicated their day to being of benefit—and used their resources and platforms to help a burning world find peace, real solutions to real problems, and equality and safety for the vulnerable among us.

Imagine if compassion…caring…helping others were considered riches above and beyond anger, self-righteousness, ego.

There is a way forward: it’s through joy and caring, not cynical games or grandstanding.

Forget selfish, greedy, bullying cowards. Let’s look to the Mister Rogers and Maya Angelous and John Lewis’s and Jimmy Carters and Carl Sagans and Mary Olivers of the world.

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