July 9, 2008

Pixie Mate (mah-tay) is like Coffee without the Stress.

These days, all ya gotta do is start a natural products company, work your butt off for three years, get a ton of investors, work kinda hard for another year, then sell out to The Man for $123,456,789 dollars. It’s a Gold Rush of Green, the Wild West of Organics, it’s Sustainable Business in the first, raw red flush of Youthful Passion. It’s a good thing: finally big business is getting mindful about its impact on our fragile bluegreen earth.

One of my favorite natural products companies (and I see ’em all, product reviews are shipped in by the half-ton every week) is Pixie Mate. We’ve sponsored a ton of events together. It’s a good product—mate (pronounced mah-tay) is great stuff, the design of the bottles and all is great, they got a good blog going, and the copy on the side of the product is fun, lively, informative. But it’s the people behind Pixie that make all the difference. 

And, oh yeah, they put Abbey and I (and a bunch of our palz) on their web site. 

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