Leo Full Moon: Awakening of the Heart. {February 12}
Check out the front-runners for this MONTH’s Ecosystem contest.
Each month, we pay the authors of the top 4 articles on Elephant according to how you “vote” (read, heart, comment, share, boost). Winners are announced on the 8th of each month.
Read through the posts below and vote for your favorites by Hearting, Sharing, Commenting, and Boosting. Any action you take may make the difference in helping an author “win” and get paid.
The Contenders:
Leo Full Moon: Awakening of the Heart. {February 12}
Finding the Way Out of a Toxic Relationship—6 Tips.
Resisting with Mindfulness: A Buddhist Guide to the Trump Era.
The Ultimate Vegan Foodie Guide to Colorado: 23 of the Best Plant-Based Eats.
Black Tears: A Poem for Colorado Springs.
Mending the Holes in the Fraying Fabric of Society.
A Trembling Democracy & an Out-of-the-Box Idea for Finding Common Ground.
4 Valentine’s Day Reflections after Divorce.
Out of the Dark: 10 Spring Quotes to Revive our Hopeless Hearts.
Be Your Own Damn Person—& Own Who You Are.
Mindfulness isn’t an Isolated Practice—or the Side Dish it is Often Presented to Be.
Ending Racism begins with the Tiny, Almost Invisible Decisions we Make Each Day to See Each Other.