August 17, 2008

Jared Polis is going to Washington (just about).

Since, traditionally, no sane conservative runs in Colorado’s CD2 District, which includes liberal Boulder, Colorado, Jared Polis‘ victory in the Primary over environmental leader Will Shafroth and State Senate President Joan-Fitzgerald means he’s…going to Washington! Having known Jared a bit for years, it’s a funny feeling to see him having made it truly big-time (an internet mogul, he’d already made it big-time in business—but Congress means you matter, and have a real chance to ‘be of benefit.’)

Here’s our debate with the three worthy candidates a few months back, for old times’ sake.

And way back, when I was still wet behind the ears at the whole interviewing thing, here’s my interview of Jared in the backstage backyard of the Trident Cafe.

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