October 2, 2008

TVs are out, live internet video for folks w/fast wireless is in. A technological sea-change.

Don’t have a TV, but want to watch the debates? Go to a bar, of course. But if you actually want to hear it properly, you might wanna stay home: if you have fast wireless, it’ll be carried live at New York Times dotcom. I’m a religious nytimes.com reader, and the other night was the first night in the history of the universe that you could watch streaming video, live, right outta nytimes.com. You could do so with other web sites for about year, now, but this means it’s now mainstream–it’s working for enough folks to be practicable. That means TV and the internet are one huge step closer to being the same thing. Soon, any fool who wants his own talk show…will have it, if he has his own web site.

He’ll still have to get folks to watch it, of course—one age-old problem that technology may not be able to help with.

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