October 7, 2008

Your Gym is good for your health, bad for the planet. Video: Ecogym [Good Magazine]

I’d rather watch a video about how to green our existing gyms…all that pedal power oughta be able to power the TVs and fans and washers and dryers and saunas and all. But, until then:

“Besides the obvious perks of having rock-solid abs, chances are you go to the gym because it makes you feel good. But nothing kills that post-workout buzz like contemplating the environmental impact of traditional gyms—the air conditioning, the cardio machines, the thousands of tiny towels that are washed daily. But Manuel de Arriba Ares, a retired Spanish gym teacher, has come up with an alternative: all the exercise equipment in his gimnasio ecológico requires no electricity and is made entirely of recycled materials. At Ares’s gym, lowering your impact is no sweat.”

Say no more, say no more: Video:

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