There’s a $400 tax break for most individual workers and $800 for couples, including those who do not earn enough to pay income taxes. It dishes out tens of billions of dollars to states so they can head off deep cuts and layoffs. It provides financial incentives for people to start buying again, from first homes to new cars.
And it provides help to poor people and laid-off workers, with increased unemployment benefits and food stamps, and subsides for health insurance.
The setting was the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. It was chosen to underscore the investments the new law will make in “green” energy-related jobs., that will allow people to track where the money is being spent.
1.6 million new green jobs, including 135,000 green jobs created by a $4.5 billion investment in greening federal buildings — an investment that your contributions to our online ads helped spare from John Boehner’s budget axe.
A 68 million ton reduction in our nation’s carbon footprint, a cut equivalent to a city the size of Chicago, IL going completely carbon-free.
We even managed to convince congressional leaders to drop a controversial $50 billion loan guarantee for the coal and nuclear industries, thanks in part to 20,000 online petition signatures urging our congressional leaders to keep President Obama’s recovery plan clean and green.
Additionally, if you break down the idea to its simplest components it just doesn’t make sense. The U.S. government is nearly 11 trillion dollars in debt. So, to fix the economy, lets spend more? It doesn’t seem to make sense. It wouldn’t work for an individual and I have doubts that it will work on a national level either. It doesn’t follow the most basic financial principles.
What do other people think?
Look around you, we can see business shutting down, stores closing, retail, financial, services, health. It is not about how much money we can make but how can we live with what we have. Adaptation is the name of the game and we will be dealing with it on an every day basis. Only a few are cashing in and yes, they’re cashing in YOUR money, we are a franchise of the US government witch in turn is puppeteered by global corporations, IMF and a few more. Incentives are the show, the cover.
Jut a thought
I think there’s a lot of truth in what you’re saying Matias.
1.6 million new green jobs, including 135,000 green jobs created by a $4.5 billion investment in greening federal buildings — an investment that your contributions to our online ads helped spare from John Boehner’s budget axe.
A 68 million ton reduction in our nation’s carbon footprint, a cut equivalent to a city the size of Chicago, IL going completely carbon-free.
We even managed to convince congressional leaders to drop a controversial $50 billion loan guarantee for the coal and nuclear industries, thanks in part to 20,000 online petition signatures urging our congressional leaders to keep President Obama’s recovery plan clean and green.
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