January 11, 2009

Green Lady Crush #6: Olivia Zaleski.

She had me at “working my butt off to change the world for the better in a big, modern media kinda way.” And then, she’s lovely. Can you see all the little (green) hearts fluttering about my head?

Her name’s Olivia Zaleski, and she’s beating me at my own game (as are Summer Rayne Oakes, Graham Hill, Simran Sethi, Boise Thomas, Sara Snow, and about 5,000 others)…becoming the voice, and face (click on ‘Bring Your Own Reusable Bag, then wait 10 minutes for the commercial to play and video to load—you’d think ABC could afford a decent player), of Mindful Living to the American Masses.

She writes an environmental column for Huffington Post (as do I, and Eco Crush #7 Tara Stiles). Click Become a Fan, and read all her posts as they come out. Bio via Huff Post:

In addition to the Huffington Post, Olivia writes for green-living authorities Discovery’s Treehugger.comEco-chick.com and Hearst Magazines’ TheDailyGreen.com. Olivia also shares her tips and advice with national radio host Dr. Pat and ABC’s Good Morning America Now. To watch her in action click here.

And stay tuned for the elephant journal dot com ladies’ series of Green Guy Crushes, they’ve already done one on Adrian Grenier of Entourage and Alter Eco, and another on one of the hobbits (!?) from Lord of the Rings. And yes, folks, if anyone out there has some gay or lesbian crushes, write ‘em up and send ‘em in, we’ll be honored and pleasured to post it. Just remember the basic point of all this adolescent frivolity—we here in ‘the mindful life’ business aim to redefine love as not solely based on attraction, but also bc your favorite hottie is earning their oxygen.

A Youtube vid of Miss Zaleski for Eco-Chick:

With Bill Ford, of…yeah, Ford:

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