May 14, 2010

Hot tip: LOHAS Forum 2 for 1 offer.

Special 2 for 1 Offer for LOHAS Forum

June 23rd-25thth, 2010 in Boulder, Colorado.

Visiting Boulder? Here’s my Top 10 List of Things to Do.

Just got heads up tweet via Ted Ning, the man behind the top tier wellness/business LOHAS Forum in Boulder, Colorado (click here for our Walk the Talk Show video of last year), that for a limited time they’ll be halving the attendance cost. This is a deal—LOHAS is usually pricey (and well worth it). We’ve attended the last few years—interviewing a bunch of the leaders who are magnetized to Boulder by this mover/shaker fest.

A few photos from a few years back:

The Hot Offer:

Learn how to: Successfully approach the LOHAS consumers with your products and services.  Network with like-minded executives from all LOHAS market sectors.  Speak directly with mainstream media who are interested in covering companies and products designed for the conscious consumer. Hear the experts’ latest trend data from the leading LOHAS market sectors.  Connect with international companies.  Understand the latest marketing trends.  All told, it’s simply the best place to discover all your opportunities in the Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability marketplace!


We understand that things are quite challenging these days and that times are lean for business. However we feel the experience that happens at LOHAS is so valuable and can provide vital energy, networking and information to you and your team. The intimacy and energy of face to face interaction at the LOHAS Forum cannot be replaced.

It is with this in mind that we will be offering a special limited time discount offer.

We will be offering  a special 2 for 1 registrations rate for anyone who registers between May 17-23rd.

From May 24-31st we will be offering a buy on get another pass at 50% off.

These offers are only available during these specific dates.

To take advantage of this opportunity please register here between May 17-31st.

To view current companies in attendance click here.

We certainly hope this will give some assistance and provide an opportunity for a strong showing of your company and/or strategic partners at LOHAS.


Walk the Talkshow: LOHAS Boulder – Summer 2009 from Alex King & Mito Media on Vimeo.

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