July 12, 2010

Just Say “No” to Plastic.

From the title, you’re probably saying to yourself: Avoid using plastic??? Why? I recycle and it’s so convenient! And how? It’s EVERYWHERE!

Besides creating the Great Eastern Garbage Patch and polluting our oceans, plastic has been know to cause:

* Brain damage
* Increased fat formation and risk of obesity
* Hyperactivity, increased aggressiveness, and learning impairment
* Auto-immune disorders
* Early puberty, stimulation of mammary gland development, disrupted reproductive cycles, and ovarian dysfunction -I’ve treated girls as young as 7 getting their periods.
* Thyroid disorders
* Stimulation of prostate cancer cells
* Increased prostate size and decreased sperm production
* Increase cancer risk

I know the side effects might seem scary and overwhelming. But doing regular detoxes, getting plenty of clean water, eating nutritious foods, taking the proper supplements can help prevent, eliminate, and reduce any of the above health issues.

I also know, that’s it’s pretty much impossible to avoid using all plastics. I recently interviewed a woman who tried for 2 weeks and failed. A few recommendations to limiting your exposure:

• Storing your food in glass container

• Using cooking oils that are in glass bottles

• Drinking filtered water in metal container

• Do NOT microwave in any plastic. For that matter, don’t microwave at all.

• Using reusable bags when shopping

• And PLEASE recycle!

Please tell your friends, family, and communities this vital information.

Live natural. Live well.

Heather Lounsbury, L.Ac.

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