November 12, 2010

Do I Need to Detox?

I get asked this question a lot.

And many people think, “I eat healthy. I don’t smoke or drink much. Why should I worry?”

Our bodies aren’t made to handle the amount of toxins we’re constantly exposed to.  Toxin overload can lead to a whole host of illnesses and side effects. Take the quiz below to see if you need to do a cleanse.

    1. Do you eat processed foods, fast food and/or eat out regularly?

    2. Do you eat non-organic animal products and produce?

    3. Do you consume genetically altered foods?

    4. Do you eat foods containing hydrogenated oil?

    5. Do you or have you used artificial sweeteners (Nutrasweet/Aspartame, Splenda, Sweet n Low)?

    6. Do you eat foods containing preservatives, additives, dyes, or sweeteners? (If you eat out, the answer’s “yes.”)

    7. Do you charbroil or grill foods?

    8. Do you drink coffee, soda or alcohol regularly?

    9. Do you drink unfiltered tap water?

    10. Do you use a microwave? Do you microwave/cook/store food in plastic containers.

    If the majority of your answers are yes, then your diet contributes significantly to your toxic load. Most likely, you’re also exposed to other irritants such as pollution, cigarette smoke, dry cleaning fluids, cosmetics and beauty products, exhaust fumes, cleaners, and medications.

    You might want to consider detoxing, if you’re experiencing any of the following:

    Weight gain


    Food cravings


    Reduced mental clarity

    Poor digestion

    Low libido

    Autoimmune disorders


    Hormonal Imbalances

    Thyroid Disorders

    Adrenal Exhaustion


    Not all cleanses are created equal. It’s important to have a qualified physician help you find one that is right for you. If you go back to your old habits once you’ve completed a cleanse, the benefits won’t last. I see a lot of people go through the effort, but don’t change their lifestyle. I highly recommend avoiding unhealthy foods and products to guarantee long lasting results.

    Live natural.  Live well.


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