I’ve had so many patients ask about the potential side effects of radiation hitting the West Coast. This gives me a chance to talk about my favorite subject: food. Whether or not you’re worried, these a great guidelines to prevention.
Whole Grains & Legumes
Brown rice should be lightly roasted to increase your protection against radiation.
Adzuki beans- little red beans used in soups and stews- are great for improving kidney function, which is necessary for removing toxins.
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Other delicious grains to help protect you include: buckwheat, millet, and quinoa.
Sea Vegetables
Most sea vegetables contain a polysaccharide that binds to radioactive strontium and other pollutants. This helps to eliminate them from the body.
Kombu, a common kelp, can be used when cooking beans or vegetables. Add to your soup or salad a few tablespoons of sea vegetables, such as nori (used in sushi rolls), hiziki, alaria, arame, or wakame.
Miso Soup
1 or 2 bowls of unpasteurized miso soup every day, preferably prepared with kombu seaweed and root vegetables.
Miso broth with root vegetables (like carrots, beets, yams, onions, turnips and radishes) stimulates digestive enzymes and supports the elimination of pollutants and toxins from the blood.
Eat Your Veggies
Any dark, leafy greens will promote detoxification, including: dandelion, kale, cilantro, and chard. Other veggies to alkaline the body and reduce inflammation are: pumpkin, squash, garlic, avocado, and broccoli.
Root vegetables are a great source of antioxidants and support your kidneys.
Add turmeric—the spice that makes curry yellow- to your veggies to reduce inflammation and support your immune system.
Adding lemon to your filtered water supports the liver’s function to eliminate toxins. It also stimulates your metabolism. Who wouldn’t want that? I recommend drinking lemon water all the time, but especially first thing in the morning to jump-start your day. No matter what the circumstances.
The Iodine Question
There are many conflicting studies about the benefits and efficacy of taking iodine to protect your thyroid from radiation. So I’m hesitant to say anything about it. I personally think taking a low dose potassium iodide pill is usually safe as long as you don’t have a thyroid condition already. Short-term use should be fine, but please consult your physician first. According to the CDC, a single dose is all you need. Should radioactive iodine remain in the environment for more than 24 hours, another dose might be required. You shouldn’t take any at all unless you know that there is an immediate radiation hazard.
Other Steps to Take
Reishi and Cordyceps mushrooms protects your bone marrow from radiation and other toxins.
Spirulina and chlorella help the liver to flush on toxins, including radiation.
If you don’t like to or don’t know how to cook with tumeric, as suggested above, you can take it as supplement. 2-4 grams per day is should be enough.
Some homeopathic remedies to treat radiation: radium bromatum, uranium nitricum, plutonium nitricum, x-ray and plumbum. Please consult a qualified physician or homeopath before taking.
Taking a bath in Epsom salts, sea salt, bentonite clay, and/or baking soda to support your body’s ability to release toxins.
Acupuncture has long been established as great for detoxification and supporting the thyroid & immune system.
Foods To Avoid
You want to make sure your body can easily eliminate toxins, especially radiation. The healthier you are, the better your organs can do their job. So you want to avoid acidic foods and foods that slow down your body’s ability to detoxify. It is important to avoid coffee, sodas, refined sugars, dairy, and ‘white’ (bread, rice, etc…) and processed foods.
All of these tips should be incorporated in to your daily lives, whether or not you’re directly affected by nuclear fall out in Japan. Eating a plant based, alkalizing diet will help protect you from almost any disease or pollution.
Live natural. Live well.
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