October 28, 2011

Quote of the Day: James Hillman, R.I.P.

‎Ecology movements,
feminism, urbanism, protest and disarmament,
personal individuation
cannot alone save the world
from the catastrophe inherent
in our very idea of
the world.

With thanks for the quote to the ever-charming and caring Anita Burke.

They require a cosmological vision that saves the phenomenon world itself,
a move in soul that goes beyond measures of expediency
to the archetypal source of our world’s continuing peril:

the fateful neglect, the repression, of the
                                                          anima mundi.

~ James Hillman

The above quote is heartening. It’s good news. It’s important. It’s a relief: it means that we all, whatever our calling, our passion, our interest, our certainty—politics, veganism, Tea Party, Occupy…we’re only halfway there. We’ll reach the promised land—an enlightened society where everyone and everything are treated fairly and with consideration, the Golden Rule—only when we realize the aggression inherent in our certainty, and remember to smile, and cry, and stand tall and open up and…relax…and just be.

More good news: “just being” takes practice. And that’s all it takes.

Bonus: Videos.

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