December 8, 2011

December 8 – reverb11 – Dharma (The Path)

Photo: Cornelia Kopp

Wandering can be good for the over-focused creative. How did you wander well this year?

Mil Gracias to Jeffrey Davis of Yoga as Muse for providing today’s prompt.
WANDER – 1 : to move around or go to different places usually without having a particular purpose or direction ▪ 2 : to follow a path with many turns ▪ 3 : to go away from a path, course, etc.
I wandered far and wide. I let go of checklists and listened to my own inner rhythms. Whether I was still or in motion, sitting in my room or meditating on the passing scenery as I sat serenely on a bus, train or plane, I wandered and wondered.
Here’s a poem I wrote during Reverb10 and lived by as well as I could this past year:m

Wonder is
living in questions.
How can I unfold?
What if I don’t grasp?
What if it doesn’t matter what happens?
Who is my best self, after all?
What is my intention for this day?

No plans, no goals.
Openness. Honesty.
Can I stay open?
Can I let my heart keep shining?
How do I practice metta + mindfulness?
What is life but motion from moment to moment?


“We have to do our best and at the same time give up all hope of fruition.” -Pema Chödrön

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