June 24, 2012

The difference a haircut & shave can make.

Elegance is found in simplicity. It allows no resentment, and is a reflection of our basic goodness. And—it is free. You look great either way, I’m telling you.

Bonus: how to begin each day elegantly, as in simply:


The above gent looks awesome before (Hipster Three Musketeers) and after (GQ? Jason Staham?).

In response to 1000s of furious elephant beard appreciators: I feel your pain.

The below photos and subtext offer just one perspective, which isn’t particularly mine. I have blogged up about mustaches and beards many times, and wear them myself. We welcome many voices. Beards are awesome. I grow one every year. I think the point is, is that how we manifest outwardly has an effect on our inward health, and vice versa.

Long hair? Short hair? Beard? Clean-shaven? Neither is better than the other. But sometimes…cleaning up our act outside can air out the inside.

Cleaning up our environment. Cleaning up our room. Sitting up, and relaxing.

Cleaning up our act. It’s often simple, and powerful.

Be sure to click all the photos, below, if you like:

Relephant bonus!

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