September 17, 2012

15 Things My Yoga Students Asked Me to Take Out of My Teacher Bio. ~ James Carpenter

  1. James is always happy to see the ladies in class.

  2. Yeah baby!

  3. Yoga will teach you how to be yourself.

  4. After years of exploration into darkness and sin

  5. He consistently invites students to embrace themselves and each other.

  6. “I’ve got to tell you, that root chakra is what it’s all about,” says James.

  7. His transparency and authenticity are…

  8. Prepare to be uncomfortable!

  9. …teaching style which penetrates deeply and leaves you forever changed.

  10. The dance of the divine sparkles within each of us—and outside of us— like a diamond mist spread out starlit against a backdrop of infinite possibility.

  11. It’s essential to squeeze the anus…

  12. James spends his free time in a near constant state of meditative bliss—or immersed in obscure yogic texts.

  13. …is both soft and hard at the same time.

  14. Mix with lots of butter and stir slowly.

  15. Do these practices. Just do them! If you do, you won’t feel lonely anymore.


James Carpenter is grateful to his many teachers for the gifts they’ve given him–most specifically to steal their best ideas and pass them off as his own. For their sake, he won’t list any names.




Editor: Kate Bartolotta

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