October 29, 2012

A Town Full of Users.

Source: funnyordie.com via JSNL on Pinterest

A town full of users…

you see CEO groomers

prime corner office roomers

botoxed boozers

networking schmoozers

Happy Hour pick-and-choosers

my ship will come in losers

shiny black cruisers next to homeless stoned snoozers—

A town full of users…

leering pimp toolers

gawking at pretty high schoolers

win-win can doers

spouting “You can do it!” rooters

impending End Time doomers

spreading scary, sad rumors—

a town full of users…

I see courts that have juries

inciting race furies

poker playing supers

who are con artist dupers

rock star woo-wooers

screwing slutty coo cooers

a town full of users…

dime a dozen musers

all script writing rusers

blue baby carriage droolers

pushed by foreign nanny foolers

users I see wicked spousal duelers

with little Ferris Buellers

greedy lawyer fuelers

sipping pricey Moscow Mulers

bible touting muters

“no time for being cute”ers

policing black booters

fighting Youtube smiling looters

Kabbalah, yoga, shiatsus

and shitting designer Shih Tzus

with choking skies high nooner

might all be over sooner,

this, a town full of users…




Yale Weinberger has a B.A. and an M.A. in English and in Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has written poems, articles, musings, and community news. She is a poet, writer, and occasional make-you-laugher. Most of all, she hopes her writing touches you in all the right corners.



Editor: Sarah Winner

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