October 26, 2012

To Taste You. {Adult}

I remember…

the taste of you,

my delight, my pleasure, my treat.

I am nourished with your essence,
your substance,
your breath.

I devour you,
my oozing, candy apple caramel.
I suck on you, fiery liquid,
pour, rain on me.
I drink you.

Come for me.

As memory serves,
honey in my mouth,
an unbearable, salty sweetness.

Your moans, a symphony for my ears.
I imbibe, my addiction.
Your warm breath,
like melting brown sugar in my mouth.

Take me there…
your heavily lidded eyes, dark circles, crooked smile and jet black hair,

your soft skin, so pale,
like white velour caressing my skin.

Wait, but your smell…

Iʼm in my private heaven.
An exquisite, musky melody,
this man, my God, Iʼm high.
Iʼm out of this world.

To taste you…
your kiss, like warm vanilla,
as savory a thing as creation can serve.

To taste you,
all of you…

Iʼm drunk, lost in your flavor,
I donʼt want to come down.

My idol, to have you,
your skin on mine,
I savor every morsel.

I consume you,
head to toe.

Iʼm ravenous, greedy.
I love you,

I lust you,
succulent, ethereal, luscious,
all over me.

I feel you.

I feel you.

Time has stopped,
for this never ends.

Iʼm transported.

I breathe you.

I swallow you,
my need.

There is no waking from this dream.

I take you in.

You are me, I am you.

Iʼm folding.

I taste you.

I taste you.


Yale Weinberger writes poems about love and its beautiful colors and flavors in sexual expression. She thinks anyone who has been in love and has had a craving or longing can relate to her words. Her words relate to the ultimate expression and the beauty of passion and appetite. With love, she hopes you enjoy her words and they reach your heart and all the right places.


Editor: Jennifer Spesia

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