February 13, 2013

Celebrate Love. ~ Lacy Rae Ramunno

Source: parkeretc.squarespace.com via Megan on Pinterest

I will always swoon over a good love story, because let’s face it, the pursuit of love are some of best stories told.

However, I’ve never really taken emotional stock in Valentines day.

Sure, I was fond of decorating the ol’ Kleenex box with pink, purple and red hearts cut from tissue paper during the years of elementary school. I adored crafting individual valentine notes for my classmates with some sort of chocolate heart adhered to the card – that was fun. 

I can tell you what wasn’t fun…

What wasn’t fun was experiencing the realities of romantic relationships and the unnecessary expectations placed upon our partners. The idea or desire for an elaborate romantic gesture. I recall a past experience where I truly was upset with a former boyfriend and his inability to make me feel like gold on Valentines Day. That poor guy, I probably owe him an apology note or two.

Every relationship—whether it be a friendship or a romantic relationship—offers perspective and growth with each passing year.

For me, love is often about compassion. About empathy and acceptance. About pain and forgiveness. It’s about taking a step back to recognize what is important—I’ve let go of expectations that simply to not stack up and the end of the day.

February presents a painful anniversary for my partner. The anniversary of the passing of his spouse, who was tragically taken from him on the eve of Valentines Day—a story that is not mine to share.

What I can share is that Love is a unique force that appears in many forms.

“Even after all this time, the sun never says to the earth, 
’You owe me.’
 Look what happens with a love like that. 
It lights the whole sky.” –Hafiz

Some people are fortunate to experience a once in a lifetime kind of love and fall passionately head over heels. For others, this pattern repeats over the course of time. Perhaps love is common thread shared between a friend, sister or grandparent – or maybe it’s the companionship of a dog!

The capacity to grow and love is endless if you open your heart.

Regardless of how this day makes you or me feel, it’s a day designed to celebrate love.

If you’re finding yourself alone on this day, go out there and be brave—explore and understand your potential to give love to others. Display that beautiful heart on your shirts’ sleeve. Make a new friend or make someone else smile simply because you have the ability to do so.

Here’s to loving and embracing the ability to fall.

Lacy Rae Ramunno is a gal who chases many butterflies. An artist at heart, Interior Designer by trade, a lover of nature and all things snow capped. Passionate about healthy living and balance, she recently relocated to Huaraz, Peru in search of a soul-enriching experience. Thankfully, she’s maintained remote employment with a fantastic firm, the Ellipse Group and participating in an apprenticeship with elephant journal. Lacy is currently rediscovering her talent for visual communication through different mediums – while learning to pair that love with the written word as a component of her journey. Perhaps she’ll pick up some Spanish along the way.

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Ed: Kate Bartolotta

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