January 21, 2014

It’s Getting Cold Again! Proof That Global Warming Isn’t Real, Right? {Video}

Subzero temperatures are sweeping the Midwest and Northeast. Again.

Temperatures are expected to plummet to below freezing as far south as northern Florida by tonight!

Some are calling this dome of arctic air Polar Vortex 2. A mini me, if you will, of the last vortex.

As expected, climate change deniers are leveraging the frigid winter weather to feed their oh-so-predictable climate change denialism, using the logic: This extreme cold weather is just more proof that global warming is not real.


“The fact is that no single weather episode can either prove or disprove global climate change.”
~ White House science adviser and physicist John Holdren

Here’s the Polar Vortex (and other extreme weather) explained in two minutes:

Here’s a longer video about the science behind weather extremes “We the Geeks: ‘Polar Vortex’ and Extreme Weather:”

It’s a conversation with leading meteorologists, climate scientists, and weather experts about why temperatures dipped to such frigid lows, how weather experts turn raw data into useful forecasts, and what we know about extreme weather events in the context of a changing climate .

Cristin Dorgelo and resident polar-science expert Brendan Kelly from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy moderate the discussion.

For a hilarious take on the cold weather, polar vortex and climate change, watch these Colbert videos here.

Want to learn more? Watch the Weather Channel video on the subject here.

Originally posted on myEARTH360 (the blog).


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Editor: Bryonie Wise

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