February 3, 2014

Meditation vs. Writer’s Block. {How-to Video with Waylon Lewis}


Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis.

Waylon, a Buddhist and writer, talks about how to defeat Writer’s Block by hugging it out.

Waylon talks about the struggles of writers’ block & how meditation can help inspire genuine words, break apart assumptions & dissolve noisy thoughts:

Elephant Academy can be hard to describe.

It’s a lot of things: it’s an investment in yourself, in your career skills. It’s a form of activism, too—inspiring others to turn away from engaging the world with hate and division, to walking their own path of caring. It’s a spiritual path toward truth, and Maitri, toward making friends with yourself, in caring community.

Spend 6 weeks in a community of caring peers and mentors writing your heart out, connecting with your readers, and finding your voice.

We will write our way to a more full, inspiring, genuine connection with ourselves. And we’ll inspire others to do so, too. 

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