March 3, 2014

Shades of Loneliness. ~ Shlayma Shamberg {Poem}


It’s like approaching a house

After midnight, the air haunted
By a silent darkness so thick
Shadows cast the hollow forms of
A palpable emptiness

Like peering into a room
Through windows, the shades drawn
Around a boundless interior so full of nothingness
Objects fill the space with echoes of
An unyielding stiffness

Like stepping into an entranceway
Onto a threshold, the area enclosed
To ward off disquieting visitors so intrusive
Framed projections of moving silhouettes are
A dreadful welcome

Like walking down a hallway
With many doors, the locks clasped
From inside spacious closets so bare
Passing dark flashes of light caresses to fill
A narrow hunger

Like trying to reach someone
On a phone, the connection erratic
In a frantic attempt at contact so unrequited
Broken messages of rejection induce desire for
A sentient objectification

Like opening a door
To a room, the capacity unknown
From reminiscent formations of time so illusory
Bodies of evidence can’t calm the rushing transparency of such
A vacant nightmare

Like encountering a person
By accident, the conditions inviting
A tenuous moment of safe seclusion so disturbed
Scuffles with an unwelcome stranger arouse a
A compensating intimacy

Like climbing into a bed
Without sheets, the threads bare
On a creaky metal frame so indifferent
Body warmth cools coarse layers of skin into
A callusing comfort

Like facing a corner
At the end, the walls blank
A stiff dance between confining options so ambivalent
Mind bending tricks of imagination evoke stirrings of
A solid presence

Like looking in a mirror
At a face, the gaze averted
From a resemblance so unrecognizable
The solitary image is momentarily reflected back as
Shades of loneliness


Relephant reads:

The Beauty of Being Alone.

Lonely? Don’t fill the space. Breathe the cold, sweet air in deeply.

Sitting with Loneliness.

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Editorial Assistant: Cindy Burrill/ Editor: Bryonie Wise

Photo: elephant journal archives

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Shlayma Shamberg