May 26, 2014

Ask Amy: How Can I Feel Better About My Body?


Amy Poehler has some pretty good advice to those suffering with body image issues.

She suggests that when we are feeling badly about our bodies, we can just thank it.

You know, choose to be grateful for the good, solid, functioning parts.

They might look good, feel good, keep us functioning—and they are part of our real day-to-day lives.

They are not, for anyone on the planet, part of a TV show life. They are just ours. We have to wake up every day and just be here with ourselves as is.

To Amy, Tina, Sarah and all of the other people who can speak out about this subject and actually have a sense of humour about it—thank you for giving the rest of us a break.

By break I mean offering us a moment to think about it and but laugh about it too. I don’t mean laugh about the people around the world with severe problems to do with this; I mean laugh when we realize that it’s really small beans.

For the most part, the things about our appearance that we tend to sit around obsessing about are not worth the worry.

That is all.

“There’s only, like, five perfectly symmetrical people. And they’re all movie stars. And they should be, because their faces are very pleasing to look at. But the rest of us are just a jungle of stuff.” ~ Amy Poehler


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Photo: Wiki Commons 


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