July 4, 2014

A Life & Death Well Done. ~ Jenny Spitzer {Poem}

rain droplets

A death well done

To know that there is no knowing

Only trust

that love is all there is of you

Everything else—the fear, the chill, the ache—


Like rain droplets warmed by the sun


When the body falls away

Like shedding petals

What is left

Is the bud

The core of

The flower


Death is at once a step forward and a step back

A becoming, again

The seed

Of a wink and a warm smile

Soft, open hands

A full belly laugh

Receding into—

Becoming, again—

a particle of light

Ever in the atmosphere

Ready, always

To bloom


A life well done

To have loved anything 

To have been loved by anything 

Is to have known everything 

that is worth knowing

To greet all that is

with an open mind

And all who is

with an open heart

To use the body as a solid place for one to lean

And a soft place for one to fall

Is to have done everything that is worth doing

And is a life, well done



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Apprentice Editor: Kimby Maxson/ Editor: Emily Bartran

Photo: Wikimedia


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