September 6, 2014

10 Banned Foods That Every American Should Stop Eating. {Infographic}


Junk food

Oh America, you are indeed the land of the free and home to the brave, but somewhere along the way we have also become the land of GMO’s, bio-engineered food and ADHD-inducing dyes.

How have we managed to let this crap slip through the cracks for so long? I mean even China, Russia and our crazy Canadian brothers have this thing figured out!

Come on America, let’s get our s*** together.

Here are four quick things we can do right now.

  1. Avoid the foods on this list. We all know (too well, maybe) the effects of supply and demand on consumer-driven products. We don’t buy it, they don’t make it.
  2. Speak out. Pass this information on to friends and family. Share it on social media. The more of us that say no to this garbage the better, for everyone.
  3. Research. If you just can’t say no to something you love on this list, do a quick google search for a more responsible, healthy alternative, then tell your friends! Or better yet, blog about it and submit it to Elephant Journal so we can share it with the world.
  4. Get involved. Sign petitions, make alternative meal options for your family, boycott stores (and products) that don’t have our best interests or health in mind. Start here and sign this petition to help stop GMO’s.


10 Banned Foods to Avoid

Relephant bonus:

What’s the difference between conventional, GMO and organic? This:

Editor: Emily Bartran

Image: loop_oh/Flickr

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