In just one single instant, all of this began
Born from that moment, was space, water, land
The idea it was simple, right from the start
A place for you all, to play out your part
There was a plan we devised, both you and I
A plan you’d remember, if only you’d try
So keep calm my children, my partners in this plan
Keep still and silent, and soon you’ll understand
The stories they’ve told you, through time on your land
Are purely fictitious, and not at all who I am
They’ve told these tales, right from the start
So frightened that they made you, they nearly drove us apart
They told you I’d leave you, if you let me down
But this cannot happen, for I’m always around
There is no separation, between you and I
No chance you’ll be apart from me, not even if you try
It’s been said I’m creating you, but this is not true
You’re creating and defining me, with everything you do
So I sent you my teachers, to show you what’s so
And now you are remembering, so soon you will know
So hear the words of the teachers, and those who know our plan
And never again will you beseech to me, that you don’t understand
I gave you your lives, to do with as you please
There’s no need to worship me, or fall down to your knees
So live life without worry, with no hate or fear
For those are not the reasons, that you chose to come here
This world is your playground, for you to create
But do so with love, not fear, rage or hate
It’s your thoughts words and actions, that will create what you choose
If you live life with this knowing, there is no chance you’ll lose
Live each day remembering, that your life is a choice
And the tears of sadness that you’ve cried, will become tears of rejoice
Yes this blessed eternal moment, it will never end
Forever I will love you and adore you, every woman, child and man
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Author: Michael P. Langelaan
Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock
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