April 15, 2015

How to Fall in Love with Yourself.

Join Elephant’s self-paced course, Maitri: the Buddhist practice of Making Friends with Yourself. This course won’t make you better—it’ll help you make friends with yourself as you actually are.


Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

It’s simple: when confusion and failures and good things and bad things come up, notice it—don’t ignore it, admit to it, but don’t dwell on it.


Plus, a bonus:



Join Elephant Academy’s Live Maitri Course:


For more: This February, join the international Elephant community to practice Maitri: the Buddhist practice of Making Friends with Yourself. ⁠

It’s 21 Days with live meetings, community, inspiring study materials, meditation—a fundamental investment in yourself that will last a lifetime.⁠ ⁠

Join, and for just $1 more (!) you can gift your class to a buddy. Doing it with a loved one can make the experience safe, productive, and help you each stay accountable.

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