April 16, 2015

I Should Come with a Warning.

Javier Avellan Veloz/Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/japi14/302428045/in/photostream/

I should come with a warning

Because, with all humility,
you will fall in love with me,
but for all the right reasons.

I was born to nurture the world,
adults, children and animals alike.
On your worst days, on days you are so sick
you want to retreat from the world entirely,
I will sit quietly by and just be there,
getting you tea or a cool cloth,

When you talk, I will listen,
really listen,
as you share your day, your woes,
your fears, and your aspirations.
I will ask thoughtful, pertinent questions,
and thus, you will continue talking.
In this, I will hear that one thing
that really matters to you
and remember it,
eventually using the information for good—
a token of affection,
a work of art made specifically with you in mind,
a card with a bit of poetry that makes you smile,
because I know you.

My presence in your life
will cause you to look deeper into yourself
than ever before.
I will make you feel so safe
your calloused skin will slough off
and fragile, new skin will appear.
You will be vulnerable.
This is usually where things backfire,
so I should come with a warning.

Your vulnerability will turn to fear,
fear will turn to anger,
anger will turn to accusations,
accusations will turn me away,
and our beautiful world will implode.
you decide to be different
from those that have gone before.

As kind and tender as I am,
I run deep, to the bone.
I am not for the faint of heart so
I should come with a warning
Because with all humility,
you will fall in love with me,
but for all the right reasons.


Relephant Read:

Roots & Wings. {Poem}


Author: Mk Michaels

Assistant Editor: Yoli Ramazzina / Editor: Travis May

Photo: Javier Avellan Veloz/Flickr

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