May 16, 2015

Let there be Words, he Prays. {Poem}

what do you want?

I always know when a man isn’t good for me

if there are no poems

I once lived with a man for six days

and the words didn’t come
they stopped
there was silence on paper
and not a welcome silence
like when you turn a fan off
that’s been buzzing for four hours
taking up space unknowingly in your ear’s brain
when you are making love to a poet
there is never a word desert
my pen was parched of ink
I pulled my hair
the love wasn’t there
and then I left him
I place my cup down on the wooden table
I see the sweat trickle
on my maybe lover’s forehead
let there be words
he prays



Words to Love By.~~

Author: Janne Robinson

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock

Photo: courtesy of the author

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