January 11, 2016

The Ziggy Stars Align.

Flickr/jeronimo sanz
Today is a day for artists and for tears.

Though I was never a devotee—David Bowie’s energy and influence still permeated my life. He echoes through space and time.

What I know is that—upon hearing he’s left is body—I am sad.

My artist’s heart is broken open, just a little more today. It feels the exquisite release of transcendence.

David Bowie was a master among men.

It is said in the yogic tradition, that a yogi will know the moment of their death. And—until the last minute of his life—David was creating. The anguish of this loss is that, even for those who were not paying attention, David was an alchemist.

He invited and embodied many incarnations and brilliantly expressed them to the world. He was mortal—and now, he is cherished as a god.

The lessons he so gracefully transmuted from consciousness into music, live on in his lyrics—his images, his back-yard record-playing parties and at the edge of social-cultural norms. Death graces us with reflection—those of us still on our path, bumping into each other, avoiding our calling or striving for greatness.

What magic is it that one life has touched so many?

As a medium, I asked Wayne Dyer what is was like to be dead. He said: “I love being in this plane, this field.”

Today, I’m asking David Bowie the same thing. He is just saying: “I’m there, inside of all of you.”

The beauty, creativity and provocative nature of the artist is eternal.

To be an artist is to be a champion, because you will have to overcome poverty and the mindset of poverty—you will be overwhelmed with those who envy your talent and clamber at your feet like rabid wolves—and in the end, there is no end if the artist has been faithful to his craft.

Be brave. Be bold.

Tony Bennett said, “Life will teach you how to live it if you live long enough.”

Much thanks to Ziggy, Bowie and “the power of the babe” for showing us how.

Today the stardust aligned.




We Didn’t Just Lose a Musical Hero, We Lost a Rebel.

A Part of my Youth Just Died: RIP David Bowie.


Author: Rebekah McClaskey

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina

Photo: WikiMediaCommonsFlickr/jeronimo sanz

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