March 25, 2016

Sunshine, Mindfulness & Me.

James Jordan/Flickr

In the warmer seasons, I wake up about two hours before my children do so that I can have my much needed quiet time.

I make coffee, take the dog outside and she and I sit on the patio and watch the sun rise. I bask in the breeze and love to feel the heat of the sun on my skin, soaking up all of that yummy vitamin D.

I will journal some mornings or read from a book or article that is of interest to me regarding my spiritual journey. I meditate to the sounds of nature, like the birds singing to one another and the traffic just beyond our yard. I mindfully drink my coffee, smelling the rich flavor as I wrap my chilly hands around my hot mug and notice the warmth of my tongue after each sip. I watch the other houses lights turn on in the neighborhood and take in the sun climbing up into the sky to start our new day.

This is my self-work for the day. This helps me ground myself and prepares me for what will come my way. I feel like it is the foundation of my day, actually. I take care of people every day as a mom and as a social worker, but this time is only for me and my practice of self-love and personal growth.

And then, I wake up the troops and it’s go time.

“Mom, where are my shoes!”

“Mom, can I have 10 dollars for the book fair?”

“Mom, sign my homework!”

I travel through my day with the comfort of my ritual and look forward to my morning date with the Sun again tomorrow.


Author: Corinne Milentijevic

Image: James Jordan/Flickr // Pexels

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