April 29, 2016

The Violent side of Protesting: Trump Rally in Southern California Ends with 20 Arrests.


At least 20 people were arrested outside a Trump rally in Costa Mesa, California last night after protestors unleashed their frustration on a police cruiser.

I’m all for a revolution, but rioting is not the way forward.

Protestors went topless for equal rights, shouted “F*ck Trump” to express disagreement; some decided to bash a police car.

Part of me—the part which is angry and frustrated at the state of our nation—wants to say, “Ha, ha. The police deserve it.” But I’m mindful enough to see that is just my emotions speaking. I’m tired of police brutality, racism, hatred, bigotry, blame, corruption, ignorance and greed. It hurts my heart to listen to the hate rhetoric flying around all aspects of media.

But this isn’t the way forward. Trashing a police cruiser does nothing except solidify the beliefs of the Trump supporters. The beliefs which whisper, “See, they are the problem.” Because it doesn’t matter who you are, the ingrained belief has become us against them.

Everywhere we turn we hear it. Anyone who doesn’t agree with another’s belief becomes a “they.”

And acting in the way someone expects their perceived enemy to act only solidifies the divide and the fear. When we don’t understand something—we fear it. We discount it. It becomes the enemy.

When we can pause and seek understanding, we suddenly find there is no enemy. When we consider for a moment where someone’s point of view might come from we suddenly find ourself feeling love and compassion for the person. Pausing to consider the view of another doesn’t mean we have to agree or accept the view. We don’t have to become their view just because we let go of our need to be right and consider their point for a moment.

“The mark of an educated mind is being able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” ~ Aristotle

Friends, there is only one way forward and this is not it. The only way forward is to unite in love and understanding of one another, regardless of political beliefs, against the true threat to our freedom—which is not one another.

Try something new today. The next person you find with an opinion that rattles your nerves, approach them with love. Seek to understand. You may just be surprised.

Author: Lindsay Carricarte

Editor: Sarah Kolkka

Image: mal3k/Flickr

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